The impact of Covid-19 crisis on the French law of contract

Olivier Deshayes


The effect of the Covid-19 on contracts comes not as much from the virus itself than from the containment measures imposed by Governments which made it hard, if not impossible, for debtors to perform their obligations. This is why the crisis, as regards contracts, really started in France in the midst of March 2020 when President Macron and Prime Minister Edouard Philippe decided to shut down non-essential businesses, schools, restaurants, theatres, to forbid public gatherings and to impose containment measures on individuals. (…)



The Impact of Covid-19 in German Contract Law

Christian Johannes Wahnschaffe



Table of contents
I. Covid-19 as an Impediment to Performance under German Contract Law
I.1. Impossibility of Performance
I.2. Disproportionality of Performance and Fundamental Change of Circumstances
I.3. Contractual Remedies
II. Contemporary Legislative Responses in the Wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic
II.1. Temporary Moratoriums on “Essential” Continuous Obligations, Art. 240 s 1
II.2. Temporary Restrictions on the Termination of Lease Agreements, Art. 240 s 2
II.3. Temporary Deferral of Payments in B2C Loan Agreements, Art. 240 s 3 EGBGB
II.4. Recreational Events and Package Travel Contracts: Vouchers Instead of Refunds,
Art. 240 s 5 EGBGB and Art. 240 s 6 EGBGB
III. Outlook



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Covid-19 pandemic and Greek Contract Law

Zafeirios N. Tsolakidis


Table of contents

I. The Covid-19 pandemic and its impact in contracts
II. General Contract Law Provisions
II.1. Impossibility
II.2. Debtor’s default
II.3. Creditor’s default
III. New regulatory provisions
III.1. Contracts of Lease
III.2. Commercial papers
III.3. Flights, sea trips and travels
III.V. Employment Contracts
IV. Pandemic and contractual clauses
IV.1. Force majeure clauses
IV.2. Judicial adjustment


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